Friday, September 16, 2011

Enjoying the Weather

So yesterday was a PJ day. Mama and Mr. Munch set out to spend their entire day in their PJs. Mr. Munch succeeded. Mama got dressed because we ended up going over to Grandma and Grandpa's.

Hanging out with Uncle M.

Passed out on Grandma. She's so comfy!

Today was Daddy's day off, so the Munch family got bundled up and we went to the farmer's market!

Mr. Munch was cozy in his bear suit.

On the way home, Mr. Munch fell asleep. Daddy carried him upstairs and put him in his crib. For the first time, Mr. Munch slept on his back without being swaddled! It only lasted a half hour, but it's progress and Mama is so proud!

Hey, whatever is comfortable, right?

Too bad Mr. Munch is too little to enjoy the fresh corn, green beans, and blueberries that Mama bought. Oh well, maybe next summer!

(Special shout-out to Munchicle M. for the wonderful pictures for yesterday! Mama was a slacker and forgot to take some.)

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