Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Not feeling clever enough to come up with a title...

Today Mr. Munch and Mama went over to Grandma's house. Mr. Munch hung out with Grandma and Uncle M. while Mama and Uncle J. took a field trip downtown.
Cuddle time!

Awesome hat!

We're a Red Sox family. We start them young.

After Grandma's, Mama and Munch went to the mall. We met Daddy there and walked around. We said hello to some of our mall friends and we visited the book store. Once we got home Mr. Munch got cranky, but after a nice bottle and some cuddle time with Mama, Mr. Munch fell right asleep.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cranky Day

Today Mr. Munch decided that a nap was not an essential part of his day. This led to great frustration on Mama's part. By the time Mr. Munch finally wore himself out and fell asleep, it was late in the afternoon so his bedtime will be pushed back and Mama's not so sure how she feels about this. The little man is asleep, however, so I guess it doesn't matter. (Please excuse the blurry pictures. The camera wasn't cooperating today.)
How can someone in such an adorable polka dot onsie be so cranky?

Finally starting to fall asleep.

Tomorrow Mr. Munch gets to hang out at Grandma's house while Mama hangs out with Uncle J. Hopefully he won't be so cranky!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Age is Funny

Age is a funny thing when you're this little. Depending on who you ask, Mr. Munch is either 2 months old as of yesterday or 9 weeks old as of tomorrow. If you ask Mr. Munch...well, he doesn't really care.
Mr. Munch is just interested in chatting with Tigger today. Deep, philosophical thoughts about the positioning of the ceiling tiles.

This afternoon Mama and Mr. Munch were visited by Great-Grandma, Great-Grandpa, and Mama's cousin. He was given a sweater from some of his great-grandparents' friends that he'll show off this winter when he grows into it.

The sun is bright, but Great-Grandma is a new face to look at!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lazy Sunday

You know those days where you just feel like sitting around doing nothing? Mr. Munch has been having one of those days. He has spent his day sitting in his Bumbo and laying on the floor, happy as can be. Talking away at nothing in particular and smiling at everything, it has been an easy day for Mama. Even when he was upset, Mr. Munch didn't put much effort into crying. I was afraid that the day would make for some boring pictures, but I managed to eke a few good ones out.
Chatty Mr. Munch thinks it's funny that when he makes a noise, Mama makes a noise back.

It looks like a smile, but it's actually a coo. Still adorable!

He was thinking about being fussy...then turned it into a sigh and went about his business checking out the ceiling.

It's been a lazy day. Mr. Munch and Mama have some chill tummy time.

Even after Daddy got home from work (which usually gets Mr. Munch pretty excited), there were just little smiles and lots of talking. But you won't hear any complaining here!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day of New Things

As promised, Mr. Munch is wearing his new clothes today! Well, one of them. The other one isn't quite so cute, so it's just in the picture.
Blue pajama t-shirt and a red dino onsie!

While Mr. Munch was hanging out and Mama was preparing for the premiere of the next chunk of Doctor Who (by cleaning since the premiere viewing is at our house), we got a call from Daddy saying that he was coming home from work because he wasn't feeling well. 
Mr. Munch was concerned.

Thankfully Daddy isn't too sick. He's taking it easy, so hopefully we can all still have a fun night.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Better Late Than Never

Today was errand day! The Munch Family spent a very busy afternoon running around town. We started out visiting friends at the mall where Daddy works. The power was out in the mall for reasons unknown, so the employees had a lot of time to stand around and hang out with us.
Having some chill time with David!

After the mall we visited Daddy's other job (yay payday!), the bank, and a few stores. Mr. Munch enjoyed his stroller time and a little walk time with Mama. He did not, however, enjoy his car seat time.

The sunlight on the green canopy of Mr. Munch's stroller looks very cool!

After all of that shopping, the Munch family was hungry. Mr. Munch had a bottle in the parking lot of a store (screaming wins, hands down), then we headed out to see friends at Mr. Burger.

Pop does not interest Mr. Munch, but we had to prove he was there.

After all of our running around, Mr. Munch was quickly becoming a cranky little dude. He was very kind and waited until we were putting him in the car after dinner to have a meltdown. Once we got home, Mr. Munch was given to Daddy while Mama got his pajamas and bedtime bottle ready. He didn't quit make it to bedtime...

Daddy is a comfy bed!

He woke up when Mama was putting on his pajamas, but his power nap helped his cranky level and he was a content Munch until the last drop of his bottle. He fussed a little, but then he burped and fell asleep the minute his head hit the bed. Tomorrow he will show off the clothes Mama bought for him while we were out!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Today was Munch Daddy's day off, so we spent the day...doing nothing. After a night where Mr. Munch woke often, we all ended up sleeping in for a little bit. Daddy played video games, Mama read her book, and Munch...well after a nice meal and some play time he was sitting in his Bumbo watching Daddy's game when
He decided to take another nap.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Road trip!!

So yesterday's surprise was a trip to Frederik Meijer Gardens! After Munch Daddy got out of work, we packed up the car for an excursion to the gardens. Ok, so it wasn't a road trip or a big excursion, but for being the first family outing to someplace that wasn't the doctor's or grandma's it sure felt like a big deal!
Such a big horse! Such a small Munch!

Checking out the fountain in the Victorian garden. 

The tropical garden was beautiful, but a little bright for a drooly Mr. Munch.

We had so much fun walking around the Children's Garden, dipping little toes into the Great Lakes water table, seeing all of the different indoor gardens, and getting some fresh air and sunshine! Munch Daddy was super excited to wear Mr. Munch in the Moby and even impressed a mom in the parking lot by doing so. While we hope to visit more often, we have a goal to get a picture of Mr. Munch under the giant horse every year to show how much he's growing. 

Today has been uneventful and picture free. Mama tried to capture a good smiling one and would have, but the memory on her phone was full and the moment was gone. Guess emptying that will be my goal for the day!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

8 Weeks

The post today is, as you can probably tell, earlier than usual. Mama has surprise plans for when Munch Daddy gets home, so I'm trying to take care of daily obligations in the morning. Believe it or not, all the pictures were taken today already. I had a lot to choose from because Mr. Munch was pretty awake for the early hour. Didn't help that Daddy was up getting ready for work and getting Mr. Munch riled up! Today Mr. Munch is 8 weeks old. It seems unbelievable that almost 2 months ago Munch Daddy and I were sitting in the hospital (or laying, in my case) getting ready to meet our precious baby boy. We're so happy to be blessed with such an amazing little being.
(Yes, yesterday's clothes became last night's pajamas...he fell asleep. I wasn't about to wake him up just so he could wear the right clothes to bed.)
The pink clam on the right of the picture is Colleen. She is Mr. Munch's 'girlfriend'. We're not sure why he prefers to stare at/talk to the clam, but who are we to judge?

Mr. Munch is *very* picky about his pacifier style. This clearly isn't it. (He'll only take the paci the hospital sent home and one we got at a baby shower that's the exact same style.)

Can't catch a pic of me smiling! Here's some tongue instead.

Oh, alright, and a smile.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Enjoy It While You Have It

The temperature today was warm, but not too hot and with very little humidity. The fridge was milk-free. Time for a field trip! After a lazy day of napping and hanging out, Mama and Mr. Munch took a walk down to the grocery store. Fresh air and sunshine did both of us good and Mama enjoyed the exercise. Once Munch Daddy got home from work and we all had some fun together, it was time to wind down and start going to bed. Just another day in the life of Mr. Munch!
Mama's even comfier when she's laying down too! (This face is one step away from the "I'm passed waaaay out!" face-see like father, like son pic for example)

Mr. Munch is now strong enough to sit in his Bumbo without falling forward! He's not so sure about being next to the smelly shoes, however.

Ready to take a walk! The sun's a little bright, but it felt good on the bare little piggies!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Out the window

After yesterday, our routine has gone out of the window. Mr. Munch didn't end up falling asleep until close to 1:30 in the morning. He woke up twice for his usual early morning feedings, then slept until 3pm which is when he usually starts going down for his afternoon nap. The result was a Munch in his jim-jams all day!

Funny faces all around!! There was smiling, but not long enough for Mama to get a good picture.

Now it's almost 7:30 and Mama and Daddy are working together to try to get a fussy Munch to sleep. If he keeps to his routine, this is his nap. Fingers crossed that he keeps to his usual time table so that this is him trying to go to bed for the night. Either way, I hope he sleeps.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Today has been a tiring day for everybody. Mr. Munch was having way too exciting of a day to take a nap! After dropping Munch Daddy off at work, he went to visit Grandma and Grandpa again! Then everybody headed to the mall for some fun times. Mama and Grandma went to smell pretty things at the candle store while Munch went with Grandpa to look at camping gear. Apparently Mr. Munch was fascinated by the bright red poo shovel...Once we all met up to leave, Mr. Munch and Grandma took some time to just catch up.
Once we got back to Grandma and Grandpa's house, Mr. Munch was afraid to miss more fun, so he didn't nap. *sigh* The result was an exhausted and crabby baby. One would think that this would mean that he would sleep once he got home and was in his own bed. 45 minutes later and that is not the case. It's going to be a long night...

UPDATE: 10 minutes later Mr. Munch was picked up for a diaper change. He managed to make it through the diaper change and the undressing to be put into his pajamas. The 15 ounces he had eaten over the past few hours finally caught up to him. Is it spit up if there's enough to cover Mama and Baby and drip down Mama's leg to pool on the floor? Now that he's cleaned off, Mama's off to take a shower while Munch Daddy puts the little one to bed.

Friday, August 19, 2011


It has been observed by many and vocalized by most that Mr. Munch is a mover. Even before he was born, Mr. Munch enjoyed being in motion, especially when he was the one moving. Today's post is a long one and it is dedicated to the motion of the Munch and the many "ruined" pictures he has caused. Glad that we've moved to digital media!

 This picture is in here because I kept trying to get him on his back...he'd stay there until I went to take the picture, then was all about the rolling. Hasn't made it to his tummy, however.

I often feel like I should be using the same camera that professionals use when photographing athletes.

Mr. Munch did enjoy his time at Grandma and Grandpa's house last night. Grandma was wearing a really cool shirt with shiny stuff all over it!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 16

Today was a warm day. Not unbearably so, but the air conditioner in a certain second floor apartment decided that it wasn't going to cool to it's fullest potential today, so the living quarters have been a little bit warmer than the general temperature. Because of this, Mr. Munch - fuzz collector extraordinaire became a sticky baby with more than the usual amount of fuzz clinging to him. Mama Munch declared it bath time.
First bath without the infant sensations!

Mr. Munch is a big fan of submerged bath time! That sling left too much skin out of the warm water.

After a nice bath, it's always fun to wrap up in a clean towel!

Tonight after Mr. and Mama Munch drop Munch Daddy at work, it's time to visit Grandma, Grandpa, and Munchicles (Munch Uncles)! There will be plenty of snuggling and lots of cool stories about the vacation they just got back from. Should be a fun night!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 15

Today is a chuffa day. It's fluff. The Munch Family slept until 12:30-1pm this afternoon (all of us!) and had a pretty lazy day. Then we went to a potluck for dinner and before we knew it, it was bedtime! At least, Mr. Munch's bedtime. So because Mama was being a slacker today, we have some bedtime pictures.
Swinging into Sandman's land...

Because who doesn't love little baby feet?!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 14

Two weeks...I've managed to keep this up for two weeks. And as I reflect back on the pictures I've posted, I also think back over the last 7 weeks. You're always told about the major accomplishments your child will perform; holding their head up, their first smile, sleeping through the night, their first word. Nobody tells you about the little things that they do every day that makes your heart swell with pride. The look in their eyes when they discover something new, the first time they soothe themselves without your help, the moment that you realize they've woken up without having to cry.
He was so peaceful and content, I had no idea he was awake until I got up to leave the room.

I have learned so much over the past 7 weeks. I always felt that being a mother was one of the things I was meant to do with my life. I never comprehended how much a little person could teach me in such a short time, not just about being a parent, but about life in general. Something my mom told me suddenly makes much more sense. "Children are a piece of your heart wandering around outside of your body."

On a less serious note, I just want to say...
Like father, like son!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 13

Today was going to be a very chill, uneventful day...but then we had friends show up! Mr. Munch got to hang out with one of his godfathers, an "aunt", and one of his godmothers. So much fun!!
Lunch is served by Godmommy!

Mama, my godfather is a little weird...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 12

Today has been a good day for the Munch Family all around. Munch Daddy has a short shift, so he gets to spend much of the day at home. Mama Munch has been productive around the house. Mr. Munch has been going through a growth spurt and has spent much of the last 24 hours asleep! He went to bed at 8 last night, woke up at 11p to eat, fell asleep until 7a, ate, and went back to sleep until noon! He's been napping on and off all day, but that doesn't mean he hasn't been active. He spent some time hanging out on his other quilt...
Then he surprised Mama by actually holding his head up!

He has been stubbornly refusing to hold his head up during tummy time, even though he has been holding his head up (or at least trying to) when held since he was 2 weeks old. When put on his tummy, he either cries or ends up taking a nap. Later on Mama decided it was getting a little chilly in the house, so she put Mr. Munch in a sleeper, then realized he had matching mittens and a cute bear hat that just so happened to match as well! After taking the picture the mittens and hat came off, however. It wasn't *that* chilly.