Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Schedule Progresses

So here is the offending dish...

Mushy avocado!

And here comes the first bite...

What is this?!?

And there's the reaction.

I'm sorry, you put what exactly into my mouth?

Is she serious right now?!

The reaction got progressively more positive in the following days. Yesterday Mr. Munch was feeling pretty chill.

I'm a laid back baby.

When he was having play time, he didn't want to let his new lovie go! It got shaken around almost as much as the gym.

Is this how you swim?

And then it was time for the second night of 9o'clock bedtime...except it's 8:15. That's right, he went to bed early!

All set for Sandman's Land.

He not only went to bed early, he only woke up once at 11pm to eat and visit with Mango and her parents, then slept through the night until 6am! This morning Mr. Munch caught a bus to Central Station with Mama and Daddy, then he and Mama went to Grandma and Grandpa's house while Daddy went to work. Uncles J and M had orchestra, so once they were dropped off, Mama and Mr. Munch went shopping with Grandma! It was a little chilly outside, so Mr. Munch was snuggled into his car seat with a quilt and his lovie.

Wind chill? Bring it on.

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