Yeah, yeah, colors. Let's slide now!
While Daddy was at work, Mr. Munch took a 4 hour long nap! He seems to be going through a little bit of a growth spurt. While this left Mama plenty of time to get her own projects worked on, she couldn't resist a sleeping picture, for old time's sake.
Still curled up.
After Daddy got home, he and Mr. Munch spent some quality man time together while Mama made dinner for everybody. Pork chops for the adults and beef with squash for Mr. Munch. Afterwards Mr. Munch played in his room until it was time for bed.
Is this how you make it go?
Because of his longer nap earlier in the day, Mr. Munch ended up skipping his late afternoon nap. It was obvious when he had reached the end of his day, however.
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